Sunday, January 27, 2008

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted from many sources and its main reason of global warming. It is emitted naturally through the carbon cycle and through human activities like the burning of fossil fuels. Natural of CO2 occur within the carbon cycle where billions of tons of atmospheric CO2 are absorbed from the atmosphere by oceans and growing plants and are emitted back into the atmosphere through natural processes. When in balance, the total carbon dioxide emissions and removals from the entire carbon cycle are roughly equal. Since the Industrial Revolution in the 1700’s, human activities, such as the burning of oil, coal and gas, and deforestation, has increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. In 2005, global atmospheric concentrations of CO2 were increased higher than they were before the Industrial Revolution. Global temperatures are expected to continue to rise because CO2 is increasing as human activities continue to add carbon dioxide. As a result this will lead to make serious environment problem such as earthquakes, flooding water, and climate change.

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1 comment:

sager174blogproject said...

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