Friday, May 2, 2008

Introductoin to Global Warming

The carbon dioxide and other gasses help to keep the Earth warm and they are good for living. However, when the humans become selfish and careless of the safety of the environment by burning fuels like coal, gas and oil. As a result the environment suffers the amount of carbon dioxide and temperature has increased rapidly. Accordingly we got exceptional circumstances, the number of hurricanes has increased in last 30 years, the malaria has spread very fast, and the flow of ice from glacier has doubled over the past decade.

In case global warming continues, the scientists expect deaths will double in 25 years, sea levels could rise, the Arctic Ocean could be ice free in summer by 2050, a lot of animals could be extinct, and heat will be more frequent and more intense.

Finally, together only we can change this circumstances by trying to find out a good solution to minimize the heat in the atmosphere. We should advise the people that the health is the wealth and we should follow the safety environment rules to get safe and clean atmosphere.

this link will take you to the web site which is related to global warming subject


Ali Alhosani 174blogproject said...

Hi, Saleh good subject aslo the piture is effetive and related to the subject.

ahmed174blogproject said...

global warming is a serious problem that people should pay attention to it .. your writing is good and your topic is nice