Thursday, May 1, 2008

Global Warming – An Inconvenient Truth

(this video shows part of Al Gore presentation)

Inconvenient Truth is a about global warming which is presented by former United States Vice President Al Gore and directed by Davis Guggenheim. Al Gore wants to give scientific information about a climate change, Global warming, and its controversy. Al Gore described the nature that is around him at the beginning. He started his presentation seriously and he put natural tones at the start of the presentation.

Al Gore tried to say the people are effecting the environment badly and they don’t realize it because they don’t want to waste their time or money to solve this problem. Mountain glaciers are melting faster than ever, because the global warming is increasing. Therefore the rivers and springs will evaporate rapidly especially when we come to know that 40% of people on earth get their drinking water from Himalaya Mountains. Al Gore shows us the two graphs of temperature in the Northern Hemisphere and CO2 concentrations in the past 1000 years and he illustrated that the CO2 and temperature are increasing together. This means that the CO2 is the storage of the temperature in earth atmosphere. The consequences of the ocean temperature rising are raising sea levels, glacier retreat, arctic shrinkage, and altered patterns of agriculture are cited as direct consequences. Included extreme weather events by human, an expansion of tropical diseases, changes in the timing seasonal, and drastic economic impact. Some buildings and roads on permafrost will collapsed because of the high temperature. Al Gore explained that sea level would rise up to 20 feet and that would be caused by melting either West Antarctica or Greenland in the future. Al Gore mentioned three factors which to the contribute collision between civilization and the earth. The first of these factors is more population, which means more water supply and food will be needed. Poverty and disease will increase in the countries. The second factor is new technology used for the wrong reasons; for example, weapons. Also a new technology is polluting the natural on the earth. He said that we have to change our lifestyle and we must be more efficient to reduce the CO2 emission. America as a country has done great things when they face an environment issues. One of the Americans achievements is the ozone layer issue.


sager174blogproject said...

i liked your opinion point of view, your voice thread is clear, you analysis of the subject is good.

keep up the good work

ali174blogproject said...

Hi saleh, How you doing?
Al Gore alert the world about the disaster which called Global Warming . But he didn't give a convincing solution.

keep touch your friend Ali Husain