Sunday, March 23, 2008

Carbon Footprints

Carbon Footprints is the a mount of carbon dioxide emitted due to your daily activities from washing a load of laundry to driving a car load of kids to school. I measured my carbon footprint by using these web sites:
They help me by asking me a lot of questions like which kind of food I am eating and weather I am eating the meat every week or every day. Also there were some questions about Traveling if I am using the bus or my own car and how long I travel by my own car every week and every month which means calculations of petrol consumptions accordingly the increasing of carbon dioxide emission in the air from the consumption. Addition to that I was asked by this site about home for example how many adult in my house and which kind of the house I am living in. More over, I was asked about the stuff. For example did I buy any equipment tool or how much did I spend on jewelry in last 12 month. How much did I spend on bath and grooming products in the last 12 month? After finishing that the sites ranked me according to my answers. My footprint was as I am living in 3.78 planets and 9.58 earths, the average is 6.68. MY carbon footprint had been calculated, which was 16.56tonnes per annum. After that I compare the earth equivalent results of my classmates with my result. Ali Al-Hosani his earth equivalent was 6.65, Mansoor Abdullah was 7.05 and Ali Al-Hammadi was 6.08 and the results show that still I am the highest among them. That’s mean the amount of carbon dioxide which is emitted due to my daily activities is high. So to reduce my impact footprint on the environment I should buy more seasonal food, walk instead of using other modes of transport, turn down the air condition in rooms which I am not using and I should avoid over-packaged products.
This link will help you to reduce your carbon footprints:

1 comment:

Ali Al Hammadi said...

thanks Saleh for this paragrapgh about carboon foot print>>