Saturday, April 5, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth - Opinion activity

(this link will take you to my voice opinion)
First before criticizing or agreeing with Al Gore’s documentary film I would like to talk about global warming. The Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth near surface air and oceans since the mid twentieth century and its continuing. This definition is clear nowadays for everybody. However I agree with Al Gore when he said that the people effect the environment but they don’t want to realize that or they say the global warming is a lie. Al Gore impressed me when he talks like a professor and when he shows us the effect of increasing the temperature in the world. He tried to let people understand the disaster which is going to be close to them in future. Al Gore used sophisticated technique and a big screen for the presentation. In addition to that, he supports his ideas with a lot of graphs and illustrations.

I disagree with him when he shows the slide of the ice graph at the beginning of the movie because the numbers on the y-axis are wrong. From this point we can say that the slide is wrong and therefore misleading. Also he is exaggerating when he said a sea-level will rise of up to 20 feet which would be caused by melting of ice in either West Antarctica or Greenland’s "in the near future". But if Greenland ice melted it would release this amount of water after a long time not in the near future.

Overall I react positively with Al-Gore documentary film but still there were some points which were inaccurate. Al Gore tried to say that the Global Warming is a big issue now days. He gave scientific information about climate change and global warming and this was a great job from this man.

1 comment:

mansoor 174 blog project said...

helo saleh
I was interesting about your opinion. so you talk about the Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth.
thank you faor best opinion